Better Brand Tracking at Lower Costs
C-Suites around the globe are asking for higher agility, real-time results, and cost efficiency at the same time. Can we replace survey based brand trackers with AI-generated predictions based on social listening data? The answer is an augmented approach called Social.AI
It estimates brand KPIs based on social data – realtime – for any niche you have or every brand and competing brand you track.
Our natural language processing engine automatically categorizes social conversations into content categories and our award-winning machine learning engine reliably predictes the in surveys measured brand tracking KPIs.
We put a dozen text analytics software systems to the test and found one that outperforms by far all in its accuracy. Its the technology of Caplena.com which we choose to integrate into the CX.AI platform. Caplena.com is a leading AI-aided platform for coding verbatim.